Among those who responded to the scene were personnel from the Santa Paula and Ventura County Fire Departments as well as the Ventura County Sheriff’s Urban Search and Rescue Team. A VCSD helicopter also responded to the scene and assisted in the operation to rescue the runners, who at times during the rescue were partially shrouded by fog.A rope system was set up to lower the stranded runners to an area where they were able to walk, said PIO Parker. And not a moment too soon: “When they got to them, one was holding on to an oak tree and the second person was clinging to him” to avoid falling, said PIO Parker. “It was definitely a scary situation to be in.”Both were checked for injuries, but “aside from being cold” and shook up by the incident the man and the boy were fine, although they had clung to each other for hours by the time the rescue was successfully completed. The incident lasted until about 1 a.m. noted PIO Parker.
SP man, nephew rescued from steep South Mountain slope
May 12, 2006
Santa Paula News
A Santa Paula man and his nephew were rescued early Thursday morning from the face of a steep slope on South Mountain located east of the curve, after an evening run almost turned into tragedy.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesA Santa Paula man and his nephew were rescued early Thursday morning from the face of a steep slope on South Mountain located east of the curve, after an evening run almost turned into tragedy.The 60-year-old man and his 15-year-old nephew - also a Santa Paula resident - whose identities have yet been released went for a run at about 7:30 p.m. when it started to get dark, said Ventura County Fire Department Public Information Officer Barry Parker. During the run “They took a trail, it started to get dark and they lost their bearings,” said PIO Parker. “Then it got dark,” which in the South Mountain area can mean total blackout, “and they realized that they were on a rock base” on the face of the mountain about 400 feet above ground. “Fortunately, they had a cell phone,” and were able to call their family as well as 911 at about 9 p.m. said PIO Parker.