"During our major emergency of 2005, we scrambled for funds" to save and then replace the damage done by Santa Clara River flood erosion, said Pat Quinn. And although city, county, state and federal officials were a great help in securing funding, "it was made very clear that it was one time and one time only."If the grant application is successful, Quinn said that a "major portion" would be set aside for emergency expenditures only. "If we do not have this grant the airport would be unprotected," he added.SZP is a privately owned publicly used venue that is normally banned from receiving public funds, although, as it is often used as a launching point for emergency services, it was able to secure public funding after the 2005 flood. If the city acted as the sponsor and lead agency of the grant, it would acquire development rights in "perpetuity," Quinn noted.
Santa Paula Airport closer to FAA grant with City Council approval
April 06, 2007
Santa Paula City Council
Santa Paula is known for many firsts, and it could add purchasing development rights at Santa Paula Airport via a Federal Aviation Agency grant to the list after the City Council approved the plan at a March meeting.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesSanta Paula is known for many firsts, and it could add purchasing development rights at Santa Paula Airport via a Federal Aviation Agency grant to the list after the City Council approved the plan at a March meeting.City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz noted that the issue had first be brought to the Council in February when SZP representatives said they had been working on the grant proposal, including a source for the 10 percent matching funds that would be required. "We anticipate being able to work with the airport and the FAA on the grant application," said Bobkiewicz."I appreciate you coming down and meeting with us and the FAA," said SZP Association President Roina Mason. "This is a terrific opportunity for us." The appraised value of the property if developed appears to be hovering at the $7 million mark, noted Mason, and SZP is working to meet an October grant expiration date.