“It’s a good example... we have only so many staff and so many issues,” including overseeing the request for qualifications - the Council will be updated on those companies that submitted documents - and the upcoming request for proposals. “It’s a balancing act” for staff, noted Bobkiewicz.The Council will consider the Social Services Program that culls donations from city utility billing, and discuss the possible acquisition of more land for park usage.The Council will also be updated on the Ventura Regional Sanitation District’s controversial proposed plan to operate a sewage sludge drying and disposal operation at Toland Road Landfill - Councilman Bob Gonzales is the city’s representative on the VRSD board - to be considered by the Board of Supervisors on September 11.Bobkiewicz said the Council will be asked to consider moving forward and adopting a change order affecting plans and specifications for the Santa Paula Branch Line Trail Project, and discuss reverse osmosis technology to remove chlorides and other materials from the city’s water.The Council will also discuss the city’s 2008 Annual Report and Recycling Guide, introduced last year. “Honestly, we didn’t hear about it good or bad,” prompting a Council discussion on whether or not the report and guide is “worth the energy and effort” it takes staff to create.The Council will also consider the preliminary design of “some of the drainage improvements we have to make” in the Todd Lane area, related to the proposed new wastewater treatment plant. Such improvements were included in the approved Environmental Impact Report and, “regardless” of what the final plant entails, “we have to do the improvement,” said Bobkiewicz.With the League of California Cities annual conference looming, the Council - Vice Mayor John Procter, Councilmen Dr. Gabino Aguirre and Gonzales as well as Bobkiewicz are attending the Sacramento-based event - is being asked to select a voting delegate.
Council: Summer hiatus ends, full agenda for September 4 meeting
August 31, 2007
Santa Paula City Council
The City Council will end their summer hiatus with the first meeting of September, which is being pushed back one day due to the Labor Day holiday.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe City Council will end their summer hiatus with the first meeting of September, which is being pushed back one day due to the Labor Day holiday. The meeting will be held Tuesday, September 4 at City Hall Council Chambers, 970 E. Ventura Street. Time Warner Cable Channel 10 will carry the meeting live, with repeats according to schedule.According to City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz, the meeting will start with presentations to retiring Planning Commissioner John Turturro and the state champion Santa Paula Girls Softball team.Rick Araiza will present the Santa Paula Housing Authority’s annual report, and the new Superintendent of the Santa Paula Elementary School District, Elizabeth De Vita, will “come by and say hello,” said Bobkiewicz.New city employees will be introduced to the Council, and an update on the September 7 Movie in the Park will be presented.A public hearing will focus on miscellaneous fee increases proposed for the City Clerk’s Office, Fire and Police departments. The Council will also hear an update from Chief Steve MacKinnon on the Santa Paula Police Department’s 5-Year Strategic Plan.The Council will also be faced with “some street light problems that we’re having with lights on historic streets,” said Bobkiewicz. “They’re going out and we can’t fix them... the Council needs to decide how best to replace the system or retrofit them. We’re seeing a lot more deterioration” as demands on staff’s time continues to grow.