“I was pleased to provide leadership to the California Association of LAFCos as they matured into a professional association dedicated to assisting members with educational and technical resources statewide. As Commissioner of Ventura County LAFCO, service on the CALAFCO Board has been a valuable resource for our County.” Said Supervisor LongThe California Association of LAFCos (CALAFCO) was founded in 1971. CALAFCO is governed by a Board of Directors composed of fifteen (15) LAFCo Commissioners: four City members, four County members, four Special District members and three Public Members. The membership of CALAFCO consists of 57 of the 58 LAFCos, as well as Associate Members from firms, agencies and organizations throughout California.
Supervisor Long Receives California Association of LAFCOs Award
September 14, 2007
Santa Paula News
Supervisor Kathy Long received the 2007 Outstanding California Association of LAFCos, (CALAFCO) Member Award at the annual CALAFCO conference held in Sacremento, CA.
Supervisor Kathy Long received the 2007 Outstanding California Association of LAFCos, (CALAFCO) Member Award at the annual CALAFCO conference held in Sacremento, CA.Supervisor Long has served as a Commissioner on the CALAFCO Board since 1998. She was elected to the Vice-Chair position in 2003 and elected as Chair in 2005. During her tenure, the Board accomplished an impressive array of tasks that include: increasing the number of Associate Members, expanding the information and resources offered on the CALAFCO website, enhancing the content and quality of the CALAFCO newsletter, continuing to support CALAFCO’s service as a resource to the legislature, state agencies and peer associations, and formalizing and improving the CALAFCO financial tracking system.