People with severe egg allergies and infants less than 6 months of age should not be immunized, and also those with a moderate to severe illness with a fever. Other health problems should be disclosed before a person gets the shot or the nasal vaccine.Although you cannot get the flu from the vaccine there can be side effects, especially from the nasal vaccine, that can be mild to moderate.The flu - formally known as influenza - is an infection that causes a high fever, severe head and muscle aches, sore throat and chills. Serious cases may develop into pneumonia and are potentially fatal.The annual death rate from flu-related illnesses is about 36,000 people. The flu season peaks December through March.
Santa Paula Hospital Flu Clinics: Line up for that shot of vaccine!
November 16, 2007
Santa Paula News
With plenty of vaccine, flu shot season should be a snap for those who wouldn’t - or shouldn’t - miss their annual immunization.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesWith plenty of vaccine, flu shot season should be a snap for those who wouldn’t - or shouldn’t - miss their annual immunization. Flu shot clinics are plentiful, and immunizations are easy to obtain in Santa Paula.There will be a clinic at Santa Paula Hospital, 845 N. 10th St., on Saturday (November 17) from 9 a.m. to noon, with a second clinic held at the same location and time on December 15. More information can be obtained by calling 525-0215.Also offering flu shots on November 17 and December 15 are the Santa Paula West Clinic, a branch of the Ventura County Health System, also from 9 a.m. to noon both days. The Santa Paula West Clinic is located at 254 W. Harvard Blvd., phone 921-1600.The flu is highly contagious but preventable, and children 6 months to 5 years old, as well as adults 50 and older, should be immunized. Also requiring the injection are pregnant women and all children and adults with chronic disorders including asthma, diabetes, and kidney or lung disease among others. Caregivers should also get their flu shot.