There will be a special donations table to accept remembrances or recognitions - only $10 each - on the spot that will be included on the list of names read. “And we will continue to print ‘Light Up A Life’ names in the newspaper up until Christmas,” noted Wingo.Not only does “Light Up A Life” show the strong community support for Hospice - “It’s one of our major fundraisers,” said Wingo - but the ceremony has become a holiday tradition. “People really enjoy the ceremony... it’s very heartwarming to hear all the names of the people, and the singing is so nice. It’s just a nice community event that we have.”And “What’s really nice is all those people who help with the processing,” from stuffing envelopes with the “Light Up A Life” donation cards to those who process the names of those being honored or recognized. “Everyone is always so helpful,” noted Wingo. “Hospice has been doing this for a lot of years now, and we look forward to it.”“Light Up A Life” will also be held in Fillmore on November 24 at Central Park Plaza on Central Avenue at 5 p.m.The nonprofit Hospice/Home Support Group of Santa Clara Valley, founded in 1980, serves the river valley communities of Santa Paula, Fillmore, Saticoy and Piru, with all funds raised remaining in the communities that Hospice serves. Hospice provides for the psychological and spiritual needs of those with life-limiting illnesses and their families, with the goal of maintaining the patient in their own home and free of pain.All Hospice/Home Support Group of Santa Clara Valley services are free and include a hospital equipment lending program, medical appointment transportation, respite care from trained volunteers, meal preparation, and a library of books, tapes and cassettes on subjects pertinent to the Hospice mission. Hospice also sponsors The River Valley Club Adult Day Program. Services also include practical and emotional support, nursing in cooperation with medical model Hospices, counseling, social services and, if desired, a chaplain.
‘Light Up A Life’: Endearing Hospice remembrance set for this Saturday
November 21, 2007
Santa Paula News
Hospice/Home Support Group of Santa Clara Valley’s “Light Up A Life,” one of the community’s most endearing holiday events, will memorialize those now gone but never forgotten at Saturday’s ceremony, where twinkling lights will represent those remembered or recognized.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesHospice/Home Support Group of Santa Clara Valley’s “Light Up A Life,” one of the community’s most endearing holiday events, will memorialize those now gone but never forgotten at Saturday’s ceremony, where twinkling lights will represent those remembered or recognized. The November 24 “Light Up A Life” will begin at 4:30 p.m. under the big tree located outside United Water Conservation District, at the corner of Main and 8th streets. In case of rain the ceremony will be moved across the street inside Blanchard Community Library.The 14th Annual “Light Up A Life,” with former longtime Hospice President Cathy Barringer as master of ceremonies, will feature a community sing-along, followed by prayer and the reading of names - each of which represents a small $10 donation to Hospice - at 5 p.m.“I really enjoy the tree lighting ceremony and the reading of names,” said “Light Up A Life” Chairwoman Lora Wingo. “And it’s nice to see the names” of light recipients published in the Santa Paula Times, “which has always been very supportive of Hospice and especially this Hospice holiday tradition.”To Wingo, the popularity and attraction of “Light Up A Life” is “just the idea of remembering everybody... when you see their names in the newspaper it brings back memories of people, things that happened with them over the years.” Although the living are also recognized through “Light Up A Life,” the ceremony is a continuing tribute to those community members who made a difference to one other life... or many.“We lose a lot of good people like George Caldwell, who did so much for the community. It’s very rewarding to remember these people who did so much for Santa Paula.”In addition to the reading of the names and the lighting of the tree - which will shine throughout the holiday season - the ceremony will feature a community sing-along of holiday songs led by Marilyn Harvey accompanied by Gale Graham and Gretchen Fry on the keyboard, a candle lighting ceremony, and the singing of “Silent Night” by Patty Strickland. Pastor Lupita Alonzo and Pastor Ron Dyvbig will offer prayers.