Blessing of Animals

October 03, 2008
Santa Paula News

All creatures large and small and all people are welcome at 10:00 AM this Sunday for the annual “Blessing of the Animals.”

All creatures large and small and all people are welcome at 10:00 AM this Sunday for the annual “Blessing of the Animals.” The church celebrates all of God’s creation this Sunday, which is nearest the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on the church calendar. St. Francis is one of the saints of the church most closely associated with the love of animals. Bring your pets to church this Sunday and have them blessed. This Service also includes the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion.A coffee hour follows immediately after this Service of the Blessing of the Animals.St. Paul’s & Emmanuel Church is located at 117 N. 7th Street. This is just off Main St. in downtown Santa Paula.All are welcome at 10:00 AM on Thursday to Holy Eucharist. This non-musical communion service is one more opportunity for all to come together in worship and praise of God. The saint on the calendar this Thursday is Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln.All are welcome at 6:00 PM on Friday to Holy Eucharist. This is a teaching Service, open to all. The music is on CD and in a more contemporary style. Again this is an opportunity for worship for those who may not be available for other times to lift up one’s life in thanks and praise to God.
Worship fills a void in our life that cannot be filled by any other means. Our hearts are restless until they rest in God. Open yourself to the Divine Presence and experience the fullness of life.Now is the time to Worship.For further information, please contact: Pastor Ron Dybvig, cell phone 901-2629.

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