In 2009, the American Cancer Society Relay for Life marks 25 years of bring hope to communities nationwide. In the 25 years since Dr. Gordy Klatt first ran on a track in Tacoma, Washington to make a statement about cancer awareness, the Relay movement has grown to include more than 3.5 million people around the world. Relay for Life brings communities together to celebrate those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost and inspire everyone to fight back.In exchange for sponsor contributions you receive a variety of benefits, including recognition on the event T-shirt. Moreover, as a sponsor for the Relay for Life of Santa Paula, you will create an awareness of your commitment to our community and the fight against cancer. Contact Lead Manager Catherine Pulisic at 644-4248 Press 3, or email her at touches everyone in some way. More than 75 percent of the American Cancer Society dollars are dedicated to research, local programs for cancer patients and their families, and public education. All programs are funded solely from public contributions.
American Cancer Society invites you to join in the fight against cancer
February 25, 2009
Santa Paula News
The American Cancer Society invites you to join in the fight against cancer by becoming a sponsor for the Relay for Life of Santa Paula.
The American Cancer Society invites you to join in the fight against cancer by becoming a sponsor for the Relay for Life of Santa Paula. This 24-hour celebration is a team event to fight cancer, and will take place on Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26.Over 2,000 participants and volunteers are expected to take part in this event. Last year the Relay for Life of Santa Paula raised over $105,000 and honored over 105 cancer survivors.A highlight of the event is the opening ceremony, where cancer victims and their caregivers are invited to walk the first lap at Relay. On Saturday evening, when dusk falls, those lost to cancer are remembered through the Luminaria Ceremony.