All non-profits must have their name into us by April 30, 2009. We will select three and notify you by May 15th. The Citrus Festival will be held the weekend of July 17, 18 & 19, 2009. Your organization must be available to work the booth all three days. Friday the times will be 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Saturday Noon to 11:00 pm and Sunday Noon to 11:00 pm.
Booths open for Citrus Festival
May 13, 2009
Santa Paula News
Are you a local Santa Paula non-profit or Santa Paula church?
Are you a local Santa Paula non-profit or Santa Paula church? Would you like to have a food booth at the July Citrus Festival? If you are interested in having a food booth at this years Citrus Festival please submit the name of your organization, contact person, address and phone number to Mary H Mata, Kiwanis Club of Santa Paula, P.O. Box 186, Santa Paula CA 93061-0186. Include in the request what you would like to sell, food and beverage.