The Judges of the Superior Court unanimously nominated thirty-eight (38) Ventura County citizens (see attached list) to the panel from which the members of the 2011-2012 Grand Jury will be drawn.
Exercising an option available under amended statutes, the Judges have named among the thirty-eight member panel, nine (9) members of the 2010-2011 Grand Jury as “holdovers” to the 2011-2012 Grand Jury. The nineteen-member 2011-2012 Grand Jury will be drawn from this thirty-eight member panel on July 1, and the nineteen (19) persons not drawn from the panel for immediate service will remain to be drawn as replacements should that become necessary during the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
In making judicial nominations to the panel, the court met the statutory requirement for population-proportionate representation of the county’s five supervisorial districts. In addition, the court attempted to apportion the panel on the basis of gender, race, and age to the extent possible from among the applications and nominations received.
The 2011-2012 Grand Jury panel will be summoned to a special session of the Superior Court to be held in Courtroom 22 at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, July 1, 2011, at which time the names of those nineteen (19) persons who will serve as 2011-2012 Grand Jurors will be drawn.
Bolger, Martin Raymond Newbury Park 2
Bumgarner, Debbie Lee Oxnard 5
Cameron, Ronald L. Camarillo 3
Cisneros, Eva Coronado (Holdover) Camarillo 3
Collie, Charles Thomas Simi Valley 4
Cunningham, Louis John Ventura 1
Delgado, James S. Camarillo 3
Finnerty, Jennifer Kay Ventura 1
Flashner, Jay Moorpark 4
Gaier, Donna Jean (Holdover) Oxnard 5
Gale, David Harvey (Holdover) Camarillo 3
Gause, Walter Thousand Oaks 2
Goodman-Bianchino, Gail E. Thousand Oaks 2
Harrison, Lidia E. (Holdover) Ventura 1
Hart, John David Fillmore 3
Hawley, Richard Springer (Holdover) Thousand Oaks 2
Hess, Kenneth Maynard(Holdover) Ventura 1
Hinz, Ronald Keith Ojai 1 Hunt, Donald Eugene Simi Valley 4
Kelley, Henry George Camarillo 3
Locker, Frank B. Camarillo 3
Marias, Andrew Harding Westlake Village 2
Mercer, John R. Oxnard 5
Middleton Jr., Thomas J. Thousand Oaks 2
Miller, Martin Phillip Oxnard 1
Norton, Henry J. (Holdover) Oak View 1
Olney, Ross Robert Ventura 1
Overbaugh, Joyce Arlene Oak View 1
Peterson, Richard Kneale Thousand Oaks 2
Phillips, Helen Barbara Newbury Park 2
Quinn, Patrick Gary Ventura 1
Saiz, Benjamin Frederick (Holdover) Santa Paula 3
Shapiro, Mimi Joan Simi Valley 4
Templin, Michael E. Oak View 1
Weiss, Steven Ira (Holdover) Simi Valley 4
Whitney, Jay Stephen Westlake Village 2
Young, Martin Ray Ojai 1 Zurauskas, Kristi Ruth Thousand Oaks 2
June 23, 2011 – Withdrawal Frank Allison & Cecilia Coe