In late November, the program will by flying out members of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Department and a graduate student from Columbine High School for two community forums for the campaign.Visit the Cops 'N' Jocks web site at
Cops 'N' Jocks announces "Make the Right Choice" campaign
November 03, 1999
Santa Paula News
The National Cops 'N' Jocks Program, founded here in Ventura County, announces its official start of the "Make the Right Choice" campaign.
Cops 'N' Jocks is a community policing program designed to interface high school athletes and law enforcement in an athletic setting. Founded in Santa Paula in 1994, the program has been featured in People Magazine, voted California Crime Prevention Program of the Year in 1997, and has expanded into nine separate states throughout the country.Stressing an anti-violence theme, volunteer officers will not only be attending games and practices at their respective schools, but will also be featured on trading cards throughout the country. High schools will have trading cards with star athletes featured on them with their adopting officers, to be sold at snack stands at high school football games as well as the Cops 'N' Jocks Program offices in Oxnard. A packet of three will sell for only $1, proceeds to go to the nonprofit program.Collection of five cards will win the collector a free Big Mac at participating McDonald's, collection of 10 a gift certificate of $10 off any item at Wherehouse Music, and 15 cards plus the special edition card will win the collector a free admission ticket to an amusement park such as Knott's, Magic Mountain, or Raging Waters. Just look for the cards at your local snack bar at your game, or call the Cops 'N' Jocks office at 385-8237. This project is being co-sponsored by IGM Sportshots, McDonald's, Wherehouse Music, and Edison International.In addition to the "Make the Right Choice" campaign, a 30 second television commercial has been airing on cable systems throughout Southern California, featuring local students and peace officers, which will continue to air until January 2000. These events are just the start of this high profile campaign; the newly elected student government will be presenting the cards and the program to all participating school district boards and city councils.