2003 Girls’ State Competition winner

June 07, 2003
Santa Paula High School

The 2003 Girls’ State Competition winner from Santa Paula High School is Jackie Paredes. Jackie was recently presented with a certificate of achievement at the May 14th Board of Trustees meeting for the Santa Paula Union High School District.

The 2003 Girls’ State Competition winner from Santa Paula High School is Jackie Paredes. Jackie was recently presented with a certificate of achievement at the May 14th Board of Trustees meeting for the Santa Paula Union High School District.Jackie Paredes was selected to represent Santa Paula High School and attend this weeklong summer conference on the basis of her outstanding leadership, scholarship, interest in community and government, character, honesty, and cooperation. She is a junior, involved in Key Club, California Scholarship Federation, Mathematics Engineering Science Association (MESA), band, soccer, and art at Santa Paula High School. Jackie is an honor student who places top in her class.Candidates were required to give a speech explaining about themselves, academics, extracurricular activities, future goals and plans, if interested in government, and why they want to go to Girls State. The conference will be held at Pitzer College in Claremont in June. The conference will focus on government, legislation, and leadership.
Jackie will be one of 540 girls selected throughout the state. For over 75 years, girls have traveled to Girls State each summer in every state to learn not only about the structure and responsibilities of state government, but about themselves as well. Jackie will also learn about the importance o f meaningful participation on all levels - city, county, and state - by living for a week as a self-governing citizen.

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