The city would partner with the Odd Fellows or Optimist clubs in presenting a pancake breakfast at the Depot followed by the ceremony to commemorate the planting of the fig tree on July 4, 1879. The ceremony might also include a reading of the Declaration of Independence.When it comes to the breakfast, “Ron Merson is the King of Pancakes and I’m sure he’ll find a dedicated group to come and make the pancakes,” said Bobkiewicz.Fireworks at Harding Park will also be returning, he added.“Last year it was tremendously received and even with a very tight budget I feel we can find the resources,” to again present the traditional light show over the city, Bobkiewicz noted.The fireworks display – which can be seen from throughout the city – was revived last year by the city after several years of celebration free skies.Councilman Ray Luna asked if the Saturday concert in the park would have “any security there, a police presence. . .”Bobkiewicz said the concert event will probably start at 5 or 6 p.m. and end by about 8 p.m. “It will be a family event,” where attendees will be able to bring picnic dinners.Staff is planning too conduct a fundraising campaign to cover events to be presented as part of the city’s “Summer of 2004” series of activities, Bobkiewicz added.
Santa Paula to have weekend of activities for 4th of July
April 07, 2004
Santa Paula City Council
July 4th falls on a Sunday this year and the City Council has approved plans for community weekend events ranging from breakfast to fireworks, a concert in the park to a birthday party for the Morton Bay Fig tree.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesJuly 4th falls on a Sunday this year and the City Council has approved plans for community weekend events ranging from breakfast to fireworks, a concert in the park to a birthday party for the Morton Bay Fig tree.The council approved the plans at the March 29 meeting.Since the 4th is falling on Sunday, Santa Paula Cruise Nite will kick off the weekend events on July 2.City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz said that staff had crafted “various options for the Fourth of July,” including a July 3 concert at Veterans Memorial Park.The concert would also serve multiple purposes: the concert would serve as a community fair with people coming together early in the evening for the music and the event would also serve as the formal end to the city’s Visioning Process.Bobkiewicz said that July 4th would start with a pancake breakfast and the commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the planting of the Morton Bay Fig tree.The tree, located at the corner of 10th and Santa Barbara streets, is a city favorite and provides not only shade but also photo opportunities for tourists.