Steven “Michael” Barker of Santa Paula receives the Navy Achievement Award

September 01, 2004
Santa Paula News
Right, Steven “Michael” Barker of Santa Paula receives the Navy Achievement Award in July 2004. Michael graduated in October from the United States Navy from Great Lakes ILL. After graduation he went for training to be a fireman. He graduated 3rd in his class. Fireman Barker was able to come home for Christmas week to spend time with his mother Ronda Little, Tom, Brian, and Chris Barker  his brothers and his grandmother Edna Little.  Fireman Barker is now serving on the U. S. S.  Harpers’s ferry in Sasabo Japan. Fireman Barker has already seen many places he has seen Tokyo. Oakinawa, Singapore Thailand, and Russia. But the one thing he said he would miss most is the Ventura County Fair, for it would be the first time for him not going in 15 years he belonged to Mupu 4-H and Santa Paula FFA.

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