Ventura Audubon Society

January 07, 2005
Santa Paula News

The Ventura Audubon Society will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday February 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Poinsettia Pavilion, 3451 Foothill Rd., Ventura.

The Ventura Audubon Society will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday February 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Poinsettia Pavilion, 3451 Foothill Rd., Ventura. The program, “Where in the World is Ormond Beach and Why Do We Care?” will be an overview of this valuable bird habitat and its inhabitants. VAS Board member, Web Master, and super birder Reed Smith will present this exciting program. He has been monitoring this sensitive area for years and will give an expert’s view of its history and what’s in store for its future, at the same time showing wonderful slides of the area’s birds.Reed is a retired Game Warden who now works part time as a field naturalist. His projects include monitoring and protecting California Least Terns and Western Snowy Plovers. He also works on restoring coastal areas including Mandalay State Beach and Carpinteria Salt Marsh to natural conditions.The meeting is open to the public. For information call 643-5825 or 484-8415.Field Trips: Note that rain cancels any trip.Feb. 3, Birds and Butterflies at Lake Los Carneros, Goleta. The lake, willows, and surrounding grassy scrub land with pines, oaks and eucalyptus should provide a wide variety of birds and wintering monarchs. Meet at the Ventura History Museum parking lot, 100 E. Main, at 7:45 to carpool, or at the lake at 8:30 a.m. North on Hwy 101 through Santa Barbara to Los Carneros Rd. then turn north toward the mountains. Go 2 blocks north on Los Carneros Rd. and turn right at the fire station into the parking lot for Stow House. Leader: Jack Gillooly (646-3867)
Feb. 13, Ventura County Game Preserve 8:00 a.m. Ducks, peeps, ibis, raptors, and more will be seen. Take Casper Rd.south from Hueneme Rd. (between Saviers Rd. and Highway 1). Follow the left curve to the barn/house buildings and turn right into the preserve. The group will car pool around this hunting grounds next to Pt. Mugu. Leader: Reed Smith (644-9344)Feb. 23, Foster Park 8:00 a.m. Take Highway 33 to Casitas Vista exit, to Foster Park. Meet at the entrance to the lower park beside the bridge with lions, park under the overpass. Leader: Linda O’Neill (649-9408)Feb. 26, Youth/Beginners Trip, Carpinteria Marsh Meet at 8:00 a.m. at History Museum parking lot to carpool, or 8:30 a.m. at marsh/park entrance. Bring water, binoculars, field guide, and wear walking shoes and hat. All birders 10 years old and up are welcome. Youths must be with an adult. Trip will end at 11:00. Leaders: Tina Gorelik (644-2542) and Peg Stevens (648-2495)Restoration Work Day, Hedrick Ranch Nature Area Restoration Program, Santa Paula Feb.6, 9:00 a.m.-noon. Early arrival for birding the area is a good warm-up exercise and usually yields some interesting birds. Wear sturdy work shoes and gardening gloves. Water and snacks available. Take 126 to Santa Paula, 10th St. Exit. Go left under freeway, rt. on Harvard, rt. on 12th, cross S.C. river bridge. Go 3.7 miles to 20395 S. Mountain Rd., entry gate on left. Go north approximately 1/2 mile on ag. road to parking area adjacent to the Santa Clara riverbed. Hard rain may cancel or delay a workday. If the situation looks questionable on a scheduled day, you may call Sandy on his cell phone (805-340-0478) for a report. Sandy Hedrick: (340-0478 or 643-2408).

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