Program sponsor and host is Limoneira Company Mercantile Center, 525-5541.Call the Chamber office by noon October 10 to make reservations, 525-5561. Bring a friend and remind all others to be there! The general public is welcome.
Good Morning Santa Paula
October 05, 2005
Santa Paula News
The next program of Good Morning Santa Paula will be held on Tuesday, October 11 at 7 a.m. at Logsdon’s Restaurant, 824 Santa Maria Street.
The next program of Good Morning Santa Paula will be held on Tuesday, October 11 at 7 a.m. at Logsdon’s Restaurant, 824 Santa Maria Street. Included in the price ($7 for advance reservations and $10 at door - no-shows will be billed) will be a continental breakfast, guest speakers, and special presentations.Speakers on the agenda include Luther S. Luedtke, Ph.D., president at California Lutheran University; Rene Salas of the City of Santa Paula on the Santa Paula Beautiful campaign; Supervisor Kathy Long on Santa Clara River Valley projects; a Santa Paula hospital update by Dr. Samuel Edwards; and Downtown Dinner & Movie promotion by Rochelle Margolin.Awards to be given include Teacher of the Month; Officer of the Month, Chamber Member of the Month, and Public Employee of the Quarter, with plaques provided by Santa Paula Chevrolet; and Yard of the Month recognition, with gift certificates provided by Heritage Hardware.