New Teacher BBQ welcomes
educators, administrators

October 14, 2015
Santa Paula News

More than 40 new school district employees, from teachers to counselors were introduced recently at the Rotary Club of Santa Paula’s New Teacher BBQ held at Wilson Ranch.

The event, hosted by Rotarian Chris and Yvonne Wilson not only welcomes new employees with a famed Rotary steak dinner and a gift bag but also with a show of support for those who are devoting their lives to education.

The Santa Paula Jazz Band entertained before Club President Judy Phelps welcomed the crowd and introduced Assistant Band Director Jerry Cruz and new Director Will Melendez. 

“We’ve been trying to find out for how long Rotary has sponsored this welcome,” said Phelps, but the only estimate that rings true is the club has been holding the event, “A long, long time!”

“It’s my third year here,” SPUSD Superintendent Alfonso Gamino told the crowd, “and the reception I received was fantastic. I hope you truly feel welcomed, Santa Paula is a wonderful town…”

He introduced SPUSD Board President Michelle Kolbeck, Vice President Chris Wilson and Directors Kelsey Stewart and Christina Urias as well as district and school administrators. Mayor John Procter and City Councilwoman Ginger Gherardi, both Rotarians, were also in the crowd.

Each school principal introduced their new employees, including counselors and other staff working directly with students. 

“This is the biggest group we ever hired,” said Santa Paula High School Principal Elizabeth Garcia who admitted, “It’s really exciting…”

Each new employee was asked which university they graduated from and it was an impressive list: “We’re making sure they’re all high quality!” said Garcia.

Other school districts were also represented including Briggs, St. Sebastian and Olivelands. 

Briggs/Olivelands Superintendent Deborah Cuevas said the district was welcoming new teachers as well as principals.

With thousands of dollars given each year in scholarships to graduating seniors, Rotarians, said Phelps, take education seriously.

“But it all starts with you,” she told educators. “You’re on the frontline,” of helping students to determine their future.

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